Thursday, November 4, 2010

Responding with Grace...

I had an encounter yesterday with a woman - and it revealed something very special to me.

We were in FIT class together.  Afterwards, a few of us were standing around talking.  She looked familiar to me, so I started asking her some questions trying to form a connection - simply getting to know her.

I asked her, "Do you have children?"  "No," she replied.

Then the other girls and I started talking about how we would see each other at MOPS the next day.

I said, "Hey, Have a baby so you can hang out with us a MOPS too!"  Again, my heart was trying to pull her in and include her.

I don't really remember her exact response... but what I heard was that she and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for a few years and they very recently had a miscarriage.

At that point, I was speechless and didn't know what to say.

She wrapped her arm around my back and said,
"It's ok.  I know you didn't mean anything by it."

She responded with such grace - in the midst of her pain.

And she was right... I was in the "getting to know you" phase and how was I to know she was experiencing this pain at the moment?

Are we expected to avoid certain topics or not ask certain questions because they may cause someone pain - Especially when we're trying to "get to know" someone?

I don't believe so.

So, what did I learn from this?

What I learned from this is that we should -


Not everyone knows the journey you are on.

The way she responded to me was -






I look forward to getting to know her better and - if she'll welcome me - walk with her through this journey of pain she is on.

I'm excited for our next FIT class, and I'm excited to get to know her even better.

God, You are amazing.  Thank You for revealing this lesson to me and putting me there at the right time with this woman who inspired me with her response.  I pray that You will bless this couple with a baby of their own.  I know You already have it all figured out.  Amen.


  1. Myah, that is wonderful and keep including her in the conversations about your kids. That was so hard for me that people wanted to be sensitive and I appreciate it, but I also know that kids are big part of your life and therefore a big part of you, to get to know and love!

  2. Kelli,
    I actually thought a lot of YOU as I was writing this - thanks for your insight. :)

  3. That's good stuff! God's intervention!!



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