I attended a session on teaching foreign language. Of course, the best way to teach a foreign language is by full immersion - speak the language at home a lot of the time, every day - and they just learn it! Not just once a week at a Spanish class - all the time.
So, I got home - and I was reflecting a lot about the topic of "full immersion". I wasn't thinking about foreign languages anymore. I was thinking about everything else!
Immersion: the state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption.
With what would you like your children to be deeply engaged and involved? What do you want them to absorb?
Some things Josh and I thought of:
:: we follow Jesus
:: we live simply
:: we do hard things
:: we have grateful hearts
:: we do not yell at each other
:: we speak kindly
:: we forgive
:: we love others
:: we learn always
:: we play hard
:: we enjoy music
:: we enjoy music
:: we serve
:: we give
:: we travel
:: we play tennis ;) that's our family sport!
:: we play tennis ;) that's our family sport!
...and so much more.
But, my point - it is our responsibility to immerse them in these things (whatever it is that your family has identified as your end goal) in the house, out of the house, a lot of the time - not just once a week at a class - every day - when you lie down and walk - speak, act and do what you want your children to absorb.
What do you want to see when you children are 25 and come knocking at your door?
Immerse your children with the end in mind.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6: 6-7
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