Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Role of a Mother

The role of a! Some moments are nuts. Some moments, I have it so together. Some moments, I am so exhausted. Some moments, I want to run and hide. Some momenets, I wish my eyes were a camera. Some moments, I don't want to ever end.

I absolutely love being a Yummy Mummy! I feel like we are so deep in molding our daughters right now. Modeling, consistency, patience, stamina, love, praise, guidance, the list goes on and on.

I feel like I am the mother I am because of my mother. She is simply an amazing woman. When times get tough, she is right there to step in and help me get my head above water again. Things were getting a little out of order in our house with Josh starting his new job and me returning back to school. My mom claims that my house is one of the most organized she has seen. So, she came over the other day and noticed things were just a bit unorganized. :) She offered to help clean for me and help me get a grasp on things before another week started. I emailed her to thank her and this is what she responded.....

"YOU ARE VERY WELCOME for my work and time. There is nothing, Myah, that I would not do for you. I sure hope that you know that. Anything that you need, you can always rely on me, unless I am working during the week, during the day. I hope that you know that. You are my wonderful daughter and friend, and you are such a priority in my life. My behavior as a Mom continues on, even as you grow up. I would STILL give to you before I would take care of myself. It's just the way that it is. So, ALWAYS remember that I am always there for you, no matter what!!! OK?????? I am just so blessed to have you as my daughter. I thank GOD every day for you, Josh, Soph, Halle, Derek, Beth and Jack. I love you guys all the way to the moon and back." conclusion, you are always a mother. No matter how old your children become, your loyalty and devotion to your children doesn't change. The "role of a mother" starts from the moment you conceive, and it lasts until the day you die. I look forward to the many years I have to be the best mom possible to my children. You notice I didn't just say "girls". :)

Mom, I love you to the moon and back and then back to the moon!


  1. My mom doesn't even know how to use e-mail, let alone write me a note like that one! I guess every day is mother's day, isn't it?

  2. Thank you for sharing that Myah! You are right, being a mother is a blessing - it's hard, but sometimes I'm proud to say, "Oh yeah, well, I'VE got the HARDEST job in the world." I'm just glad I have a great husband, family and positive friends who are mom's so we don't have to do it alone!!! :)

  3. This was so sweet. One day at a time. We all know you might not get more than that.

    Kelli H.

  4. Oh my gosh! I teared up when I read that. You do have a wonderful mom!

  5. What a special entry, Myah.

    I have always had a great relationship with my mom. Something happened, however, after I had my own children that formed a special bond and closness with her. I just love the fact that she not only my mother now, but also one of my closest friends and confidants. You have that same bond with your mom, I can tell.


  6. Myah you are a great Mother and you can tell you do get that from your mom. She sounds like a wonderful mother and friend. It is wonderful how mother-daughter relationships change as we get older and have kids. I know I could not make it through some times without talking to my mom.
    It is true we are going to be Mom's way after our kids leave the nest and I am looking forward to all the years to come.


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