I know it may not seem like a very big deal, but it was a major milestone for us! We took Sophie for her very first haircut right before Halle was born. So, she wasn't quite 2. She totally flipped out! We tried again a few months later, and she totally flipped out again. She was fine going in there and with the whole idea. However, as soon as they tried to put the cape on her and she spotted the scissors and spray bottle, she would just scream and go nuts! It was a traumatizing experience for everyone. Well, her hair was getting really long and tangled on the ends. So, on Friday night we decided to give it another whirl. I have to admit, I was a little nervous. I had a feeling it would be a success because she has truly come so far over the past few months with her maturity. She sat beautifully a couple of times to get her face painted, so I thought she would sit still to get her hair cut. Well, she did awesome! She got in the chair, they popped in a movie for her, they cut 3 inches off and layered it around her face. She even let the lady blow dry it! We were sooooo proud of her. For a few days afterwards, she would go up to everyone she saw and say, "I got a haircut!" It was a major accomplishment for her. It looks so much cuter and healthier. She is getting so close to 3 and I can see more and more growth in her development each day.
I have attempted to cut Corbin's hair before and he hates it. He will ONLY let the lady at the hair place cut his hair and he makes it clear everytime I try to trim it! Kids are so funny. Glad to hear this one was a success! I cannot believe she is almost 3 already.
ReplyDeleteShe is looking so grown up!
ReplyDeleteWay to go Sophie...you are getting so big!
Movies are a wonderful thing when kids are getting hair cuts :)
She is so big. Makes me want to cry. Time is going too fast.