Monday, November 20, 2006

Halle is 11 months old...

And she is walking! Still no teeth! As we reflect on the 11th month of Halle's life, all we can say is "Wow!" She is on the move! She is totally walking, and she even stood up from the ground today. I think that is crazy! That doesn't happen until they get a lot older, does it? She is sooo strong and thick.

She loves to stand in the little corner of our living room, and it makes me so nervous. So many corners and dangerous objects to get hurt on. I was trying to get her to walk to me so I could take a picture. She was doing it!

When she walks, she holds her arms out for balance. It is so cute. She is so much fun right now! Sophie will hurry and push toys out of the way so she can walk on a clear path. It's cute. Josh predicted that she wouldn't be crawling anymore next week. We all said she would be walking before her first birthday. We were all right. The funniest thing is what our pediatrician told us when she was a few months old. He cautioned me, "Now, bigger babies may hit their milestones later. They have more to move around, so don't worry." She hit all of her milestone right on the normal range, except for walking. Well, I don't know how she lugs her chubby body around, but she does! Maybe she'll slim down. :)

At 11 months...

Halle loves: her mommy (her favorite), Sophie, her daddy, Nanny, Grandma, other people, going places, playing with children, crawling and walking around discovering what's on the ground and in the world, bathtime (she LOVES water), when her mommy sings, music, walks, swings, hammocks, her bottles of formula, Sophie Sophie Sophie!

Halle does not like: getting dressed after her bath (she is cold and tired) I have found that if I stick her bottle in her mouth while I am getting her dressed, she is happy! :), getting her nose wiped, when Sophie doesn't want her involved in what she is playing at the time, foods with meats, any food with texture (she gags on EVERYTHING!), laying still for a diaper change

Eats: formula 28oz per day, rice/oatmeal/mixed baby cereal, Gerber baby foods...most fruits and veggies, she does not like meats in foods. I am trying to get rid of baby foods and introduce more solids. She gags on everything. I think I am just going to make the baby food disappear. She won't gag forever, right? Did any of you go through this? Sophie just ate whatever!

Sleeps: Awesome! 7:30pm until 6 or 7am, eats 7oz of formula, and then sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00am. Sometimes she will sleep straight through to 7:00am. Two naps a day. 9:30ish and 2ish. She naps a total of 3-4 hours during the day.

Milestones: walking well, standing from the ground without pulling up on something (not consistently), clapping a lot, peek a boo, says "hi" "bye" "mama" "dada"
Still no teeth! Sophie did not have any teeth on her first birthday.


  1. Sorry, typed that with Kiefer in one arm :)

  2. Kiefer gags on everything too! Kruehad no problem eating new things....hmmm...myybe it's a second child thing. Let me know what works for ya!

  3. Anna is on the move also...look out world. Anna has had a cold so she hasn't ate much of anything lately but love the meat sticks and fruits and veggies. We have started to give her some of what we eat. She LOVED turkey at Thanksgiving.

  4. She is so adorable! Everything changes once they start walking! They grow and change soooo fast the first year. Good Luck with getting her to eat solids. Lauren was and still is such a picky eater. If you find any good tips, let me know. Graham on the other hand seems to have no problems eating breast milk given he weighs 16 lbs:) I hope he isn't a picky eater too!


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