Wednesday, February 14, 2007

All Snowed In...

We really had some great family time being all snowed in. It's amazing how much I enjoy it now that I am working full-time. I especially enjoy the time with Josh. Sophie loves playing dress-up. I got out her dress-up tub, and she pulled out this fairy dress. Zach and Erin got it for her for her birthday. Joke of the Day: She said, "Mommy, put this on." LOL I said, "Uh, I don't think so!" She asked, "Why?" I don't think we need to talk about why.

Josh took Sophie out for a bit, and Halle and I got in some good alone time. Of course, I tried to get some pictures. It's tough getting pictures of her now. First, she will hardly sit still. Second, she wants the camera!!! Now!

I did manage to get a picture of her sitting. You have to be fast! My friend knitted her this sweater. It's so cute. Perfect for Valentine's Day.


  1. Your kids are so darn cute. I love the snow for Ian's sake but man oh man. I realized why I work after the first day or Anna screaming non-stop.

  2. That sweater is so cute! Halle looks like a perfect little valentine.

  3. She is such a cutie! Love her smile!


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