Monday, June 16, 2008

Our Vacation

Since I could not even come close to picking just a few pictures to share from our trip, I decided to create a slide show. You can view it below. I thought you all would like some details to go along with our vacation.

On June 5, the four of us traveled to Anna Maria Island, FL for 7 days. We rented a place right in the sand and woke up every morning to waves crashing. The place couldn't be more perfect for our family. We went from beach to pool the whole day. We took some breaks for eating and naps. If the girls were napping, Josh and I could enjoy some paddle ball in the sand since we were so close to the beach.

My brother and his family lived 10 minutes away, so it was nice to spend so much time with them while we were there. Jack and Sophie had a blast together. I don't think Sophie has ever giggled so much.

Josh did all the shopping and cooking while we were there. I'm not joking! So, it was a huge break for me in that area. I was nervous on the way home because I knew my workload was going to pick back up.

The girls did great with all the traveling, and our trip was everything we imagined it to be. We look forward to doing it again.


  1. Your pictures were great! Thanks for sharing. Looks like such a relaxing vacation. I love the beach!!

  2. Glad to hear and see you and your family had a great time. Vacations are wonderful!!

  3. I'm glad you guys got to get away and have so much fun together!


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