Thursday, July 3, 2008

Best Friends - Worst Enemies

Well, I always said I looked forward to when the girls were 2 and 4. I thought those ages would be so much fun with them playing and interacting with each other. Well, it really has been. Each day gets more and more fun as they grow up into little girls. However, we are really seeing the "picking on each other" stuff. They will be belly laughing with each other one second and then beating each other up the next. I asked my neighbor about it who has a sister close in age. I asked if this is what they did. She said, "Oh yeah! You only have about 20 more years of this."


  1. I am experiencing this as well so I think it is just siblings in general. :) I love it when they are getting along and entertaining each other but like you said a few seconds later and they are yelling about something. Samantha is more dramatic and she uses that to her advantage so having two girls may be a little more intense! :)

  2. Oh yeah. I have an older and younger sister. We did this all the time. But I don't think it is strickly girls - Ian and Anna are the same way. Just have to remind them that they need to look out for eachother and one day they will be the bestest of friends. I couldn't live without my siblings.

  3. I am right there with you as well, Myah! My boys know how to push each other's buttons. It drives me NUTS sometimes. Then there are the times that I am in tears because they acting so cute together. Oh the ups and downs of motherhood.

    *Thanks for listening, Myah :)


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