Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chinese Restaurant

I have a funny story that I just had to share. Josh worked late tonight, so the girls and I went over to my Mom's to hang out. I ran out to pick up some Chinese food for dinner. I placed my order with the wonderful lady and the register and then sat down to wait for my food. After 10 minutes or so, she must have felt bad because she went in the little fridge and grabbed me a can of Coke. I said, "Oh thank you, but may I have a Sprite? I'm expecting and I've already had my 1 caffeine for the day." She said (now, put a Chinese accent on this), "Oh! You have baby? What are you? 2 months?" I said, "No, I'm 4 months." She said, "OOOHHHH! You so small! You come in here more! You eat for free!" I just about lost it! I was saying it all the way home and laughing!


  1. You are sooo funny!!
    Love you,

  2. Oh my gosh, that is hilarious!!

  3. I am DYING laughing!! I don't know what is funnier to me....the lady saying "You eat for free!" or the mental picture I get of you repeating it in the car on the way home--over, and over, and over...


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