Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey! I had my 3rd dream last night that our baby is a girl. Do you think dreams mean anything or am I dreaming about a girl all the time because that's all I know? Supposedly, a mother's intuition is pretty powerful in determining the sex.


  1. Are you going to find out what you are having?

  2. No, we aren't! No one thinks we are strong enough. However, I am so competitive - so that makes me even more determined! :) We found out with the girls, so we would like to be surprised once.

  3. Everyone thought I would cave and find out when I was pregnant with Carson. :) I love that I knew what Nathan was, but it was even more fun to not know the sex of Carson. :) I think if you have a preference, then finding out would probably be a good idea. But, if you are like me and would love to have either, then it is so much more fun not knowing!!! :)


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