Friday, September 12, 2008

Back to School

We just finished our first week of preschool. Sophie is in the Pre-K class, and Halle joined to 2 year old room this year. They are both going on MWF mornings from 9-11:30. I have increased my hours at church from 10 to 15, so I am in the office a couple of the days while they are in school. I have reserved Mondays as MY day. I plan to grocery shop ALONE and get any other running around or house work done ALONE. :) It feels nice to get a little breather during the week. I am trying to cherish the next few months of alone time before our new little bundle of joy comes to live with us. They both had a great first week. It's nice to be back into a routine. I know they are both going to grow so much this school year.

1 comment:

  1. That is such an awesome picture of our girls!!!



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