Monday, October 6, 2008

A precious moment

We just finished putting the girls to bed and I just had to journal a special moment. Our bedtime routine is probably like everyone else's. We brush teeth, wash hands and faces if it's not a bath night, put on jammies, read 2 books (each girl gets to pick 1), and then Sophie goes downstairs with Daddy (a special treat for Sophie - they watch Daddy's shows) while I rock Halle.

This is where the precious part comes in.... Sophie was only rocked for 23 months due to having a baby sister arrive. Halle has been rocked for nearly 3 years. She LOVES being rocked. Her favorite song is "This Old Man". I sing the whole song and then we just rock in the silent, dark room for 5 more minutes or so. This is by far one of the best parts of my whole day. So tonight, I am rocking her and the baby starts moving a lot. I tear up thinking about the fact that there is another one on the way. I am in awe at how we've been blessed with 3 kids. I am nervous thinking about how our bedtime routine is going to change in a few months. I am sad that Halle won't be rocked for much longer. I am grateful that God chose us to raise these children.

I absolutely know that when I am an old lady and I reflect back on my life - these years will without a doubt be the most precious to me. When my girls are all grown up, I will remember rocking them and feeling them move inside me. And if I'm too old and crazy to remember, please remind me.


  1. I know what you mean! As hectic as it can sometimes be to get Gabby and Carson ready for bed, my favorite part of the whole day is hearing Gabby say her prayers. Hold tight to those memories..they are so precious!

  2. That is so sweet. I rock Graham too and I used to rock Lauren until Graham was born. That is my favorite time too! And he feels so big in my arms now and I always think, I wish I could just pause time and rock him forever!! They grow soo fast. Sometimes I wish my mom could still rock me!!!:) Nothing feels better than being in the arms of your mom.

  3. Love this entry, Myah.

    Isn't sad that the first one gets jipped of the good stuff? I am the oldest so I know :)

  4. I've got your back on reminding you when you are old!!! ha-ha

    You are a beautiful, wonderful momma, wife, daughter and friend!!!!!

    I love you so,


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