Thursday, December 18, 2008

35 week update

This message will be short and sweet, and I'll do a more detailed one later.

I went to the doc. on Wednesday, and I was a little surprised! I've been having a lot of dull back pain and feeling very weird. He checked me, and I am 1 cm. dialated and 60% effaced. ahhh!!!! I said, "Well, I hope you didn't knock anything loose because this baby needs to stay in there for a couple more weeks." :) He said he thought I'd go in a couple weeks.
Please pray that the baby stays in there for 2 more weeks. I'd like to make it to 37 weeks.
I didn't even ask about the heartbeat and measurements because I was so distracted by the other news. Not that it really matters at this point anyway.
So - we are very excited and can't wait to meet our baby.
I'll send more later.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Oh so close! Prop those feet up and get lots of rest:)

  2. Oh, I hope you don't end up having back labor! I felt that dull ache in my back and ended up having HORRIBLE back labor. I will be praying that the baby stays put for at least two more weeks. :)

  3. WOW!!!!!! I can remember the excitement of getting close. I will pray for you guys and the baby. What a fun Christmas or New Years present.

  4. Wow! It is close! Maybe this is a sign of a quick labor. :) I'll pray for a couple more weeks and a quick, easy and safe labor!


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