I went to the doc. this morning and everything went great. I just love hearing the hearbeat! The nurse practitioner checked me and said I was "nice and soft". Isn't that nice! :) I wasn't extremely dialated. She didn't say, so I'm thinking still 1 cm. I will see my doctor next Wed. He has been on vacation the past 2 weeks. The nurse pract. thought I wouldn't go for another week or 2, but followed it by saying, "You never know with your 3rd!" Sophie's bday party is scheduled for this weekend, so I don't want to miss that. However, I'm at 37 weeks, so the baby can come now and I'll feel good about it.
Please pray for a healthy, happy baby!
I think you're the only one who has to deal with pant-peeing. :) You look awesome! I can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl! I'll be praying for comfort for you in these last few weeks! Or maybe just a week!! :)
ReplyDeleteIf this is like mother like daughter, you look just like I did when I carried Derek. My uncle would sit his tea cup and saucer on my belly and use it as a table. It was hard like a wooden table!!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
ReplyDeleteYea! You made it to 37 weeks. What a great feeling. You look AWESOME and PERFECT! Keep up the good work and enjoy these last couple of days/weeks being pregnant.