Wednesday, January 14, 2009

39 week update!

Well, there is a little excitement to report. I went to the doc. this morning and I was 3 cm. dialated. He stripped my membranes - ouch! The head is lower than last week, so that's good. We decided that if nothing happens between now and next Wed. the 21st, we will go in at 6am on the 21st to start pitocin. I will be 40 weeks at that point. I am praying that the stripping procedure did something today, and I start on my own before then. If not, we'll meet our little bundle of joy on January 21st!
I slept better last night than the night before. I am having contratctions a lot, but nothing that is falling into a regular rhythm. They'll be 5 minutes apart for 30 minutes or so and then they'll stop. I know the baby will come when it's ready! Please pray that we ALL stay patient. It makes it harder on me when everyone else is so impatient.
I think our room will have wireless internet, so I'll try to write something from the hospital.
Thanks for checking in and for your prayers. We are truly blessed!
We love you!


  1. Myah, its seems like a lot of people go into labor within 24 hours of having their membranes stripped. Good luck! I will be thinking about you!!!

  2. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooops......I mean, "I can't wait." (I hope that sounded like I was trying to be a little more patient!)HA!
    Loved the belly pics!

  3. I am checking your site everyday sometimes twice a day for the big news! I had this vivid dream last night that you called me and told me you had a boy. This of course means that you are most likely having a girl since I am always wrong...even with my own! Although, I am still hoping for a boy.
    I am also still holding out hope for the 21st since that is my birthday. :)
    Stay patient and good luck. I hope you sleep better these next few nights.


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