Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Girls' Conferences

We had the girls' spring conferences at their preschool. Everything checked out perfect. Halle got all of her criteria checked - for the 2 yr. old classroom. They said her favorite center was the writing center. They wrote that she enjoys circle time, but can be distracted by what others are or aren't doing around her. :) What 2-3 year old isn't distracted?
They said that she is very independent, smart, and loves routine.
They enjoy having her in class.
Sophie met all of her skills too. They mark the report card with an "R" if they meet the skill regularly. She got an "R" on everything. There was one spot when she got an "N" which means the teachers have "not yet noticed" her doing it. It was her sounds. Of course, I immediately get defensive. She knows her sounds! They send the report card home ahead of time so we can read over it before the conference. So, at the conference I asked her teacher about it. Well, it turns out that the was she assessed her was the exact opposite of how we work at home. The teacher asked her, "What does F say?" At home, I say, "What letter says f?" or when we write, "we need a fff." I worked with Sophie the way her teacher asked and had her re-assess her. :) It's the teacher in me, I guess.
They said that Sophie is "chatty". We love that! So are we.
They also said that she is a leader.
She is meeting all skills and ready for Kindergarten.
I signed her up for 1/2 days in the morning.
She is so excited!
We were so proud of them.

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