and he's on the move!!! He is army crawling everywhere!! You can't leave him in a room alone or he could get into anything and fall down stairs. It's awesome, but even more busy. He loves playing in the basement in the girls' toy room. It's hard keeping up all the little Barbie pieces. The girls are good at catching him! They're good little Mommies.

Sophie simply adores him and he LOVES Sophie. He lights up when he sees her coming.

He is crawling all over the house. He loves going over the different floors - hardwood and tile. I think the textures are fun to feel.

He is still an absolute delight. He is a good sleeper and eater.
I am totally done nursing. I made it 7 months!! He is taking a morning and afternoon nap. He sleeps from about 8-8. Can't ask for much more!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! HE IS THE CUTEST, MOST PRECIOUS BABY!!! Can't wait to baby-sit on Friday!!
I'm not sure but I think he is starting to look more like Halle! so cute and so happy!