Monday, October 5, 2009

Hi there!! I know it has been a while. I think about updating the blog all the time, but I never take the time to do it!! :D My goal is to put it on the calendar once a week. If it's on the calendar, it will get done! Hopefully!
So much has been going on lately!
Sophie started Kindergarten. Halle is in 3s preschool 2 days a week. Ian is ON THE MOVE. He crawls, pulls up on everything, sits perfect, and even climbs stairs. He has gotten up 3 of them (before I found him). YIKES!!!
He is very attached to ME. He has also been battling cold symptoms, earaches, teething???? I don't know what! Just anything I can blame it on. ha! He is an AWESOME baby, but just fussier than he's ever been, I think. Everyone else says he "so easy" to take care of. But it he sees me, he want ME! If anyone holds him, I have to leave the room so they can enjoy him.
We have started lots of different solids. He doesn't like baby food most days and he gags on most solids. So, meal time can be pretty stressful at times, but I just don't fight it. He won't starve himself! I can't get him to eat much, but he seems to be getting better each day.
Ian simply adores his sisters and they adore him! We love having 3 kids!!! They are all so different, and we can't imagine life without each of them. I'm not gonna lie! Some moments are crazy, but we wouldn't trade them for anything!!! :D

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