Oh how far he has come over the year. He is now a moving, walking, talking, waving, eating, sleeping, darling little one year old.
How can this be that a year has already passed. I have been through so many different emotions this year.
I have experienced pure joy, pure exhaustion, pure frustration, endless love, lack of sleep, tears of joy, tears from chaos, hope, trust, love from others, endlees support...
None of it would I trade...
For what I get in return...
The joy from being selected...
to carry three of God's babies...
Something I will never forget...
and will cherish forever...
all the days of my life.
Happy Birthday, Ian!!!! God loves you and SO DO I!!!!! You are the BEST!!! I love you to the moon and back!!!
Is it really possible he is 1?! I remember the day you went into labor like it was yesterday...literally! He is such a cutie! You are so blessed and so is he to have such a great mommy in his life!