Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to our baby BOY, Ian Joshua St. John

Our Baby Boy is ONE today, January 18, 2010.

Ian doesn't really look like this anymore, but this is when he was just itty bitty.

Oh how far he has come over the year. He is now a moving, walking, talking, waving, eating, sleeping, darling little one year old.

How can this be that a year has already passed. I have been through so many different emotions this year.

I have experienced pure joy, pure exhaustion, pure frustration, endless love, lack of sleep, tears of joy, tears from chaos, hope, trust, love from others, endlees support...

None of it would I trade...

For what I get in return...

The joy from being selected...

to carry three of God's babies...

Something I will never forget...
and will cherish forever...
all the days of my life.


  1. Happy Birthday, Ian!!!! God loves you and SO DO I!!!!! You are the BEST!!! I love you to the moon and back!!!

  2. Is it really possible he is 1?! I remember the day you went into labor like it was yesterday...literally! He is such a cutie! You are so blessed and so is he to have such a great mommy in his life!


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