Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ian at 1...

is adorable, snuggly, happy, chubby, vocal, coordinated, walking, babbling, messy, adorable again, and pretty much exhausting!
I tell you what... he is making me tired! My back aches from carrying him around, dipping down to pick him up out of trouble, cleaning him up all the time, changing diapers in all positions (because he won't lay still) and whatever else - you name it!
I am tired.
BUT - as I rocked him tonight before laying him down - and he melted into me - so calm - I couldn't help but think... Wow. What a miracle. I remember when he was in me. How could this be THAT? It's an absolute miracle.
I am so thankful for his health, energy, smiles, love and - yes - messes he brings to our home.
It is an honor to have been chosen to be Ian's Mommy, although I very tired by 7:00 pm.
Now rest, baby boy. I'll see you in 12 hours.


  1. My neighbor watched him this morning for a bit. She said, "Wow. He is busy!" :D

  2. Rocking them to sleep IS the best! I still rock Graham and think the same thing. I could rock him forever. He looks so peaceful and safe. He feels so huge to me but my baby at the same time. It just goes way to fast....

  3. WOW, look at how different he looks now! Love him to pieces!! XO


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