Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well, I always like to give up something for Lent, and this year my idea was to give up Facebook.
Trust me - I love building new relationships, deepening them, finding common interests, etc.
But for the season of Lent - My purpose in this decision is to deepen my relationship with HIM (Jesus).... and spend some time reflecting on what HE did for ME. (and YOU)
A spiritual retreat rather than a cyber retreat.
I really like Facebook because I know what's going on in people's lives and they know what I'm up to. It gives me a connection with the outside world on days when I really need it, but sometimes I feel that I read it too much. I need to know too much.
I don't play any of the games, and I vow to never start. So I am asking myself, "What's the big deal? Why should you give it up?"
I just have a couple of personal opinions that make me against it. I'm not saying I'm right - just my thoughts....
1. Nobody needs to pick up the phone and call you - to ask, "How are you doing?" They already know!
2. There's no need to get together with someone to talk. You've read all about them all month!
3. It replaces the old fashioned way of building relationships.
4. The temptation to read it is always there when maybe I should be doing something else.
So - like I said, these are just my opinions.....
What will I do with that time?
1. A devotion each day that focuses on my Savior!
2. Meet with my friends in person or talk on the phone.
3. Write handwritten cards to people.
4. Visit people.
5. Have people over.
6. Blog more (something that I will have forever).
7. Give people the need to call me to check in on us or fill me in on what's going on in your life.
8. Play with my kids.
9. Spend time with Josh.
I will not be checking FB until Easter, so I won't know what's going on with you. :(
You need to call or email me if you want for me to know something. :D
You'll hear from me on Easter (or shortly after) and I'll let you know how it went!


  1. You have mentioned taking a break to me before so I think you have done lots of thinking about this one. Sounds like you will have lots of other exciting things to fill your time.

  2. Okay..... so, I meant to ask about your FB fast last night but forgot..... how is it going?!?! Do you think you'll ever go back?


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