A friend called me the other day - I just love personal phone calls from my friends - and asked me, "How are you doing?" It was about 9:50 on Monday morning.
So, I replied with something along these lines -----
At 9:50 on any morning, this place is so busy, and I'm usually ready for a morning nap myself!
My struggle (and I know it's just a season) is Ian!
He is SO BUSY.
He opens everything (cupboards, doors, drawers), tears everything out, opens the oven, takes outlet covers out of the outlets, climbs all stairs, wants to grab everything, loves the bathrooms (so will scream when we get him out of there), climbs out of his high chair. :D
He is not being naughty or "bad".
He is just SO BUSY.
Therefore, I feel like the girls can never have my attention.
By 9:50, they are wanting to do school work, a game or crafting.
I get frustrated when I can't give them my guidance for more than 30 sec. at a time.
BUT - we are THANKFUL for his mobility, curiosity and energy.
We would be concerned if it was not present.
We love you, Ian, but you're wearing us out! :D
I am soooo thankful that he's an amazing sleeper (maybe that's why he has so much energy).
But I'm not gonna lie. Right now, I wouldn't be disappointed if he napped for a WEEK!!!
My friend who called has 2 boys - 4 and 6. So it was great being encouraged by her.
Thanks, Erin!
I hear that it's really tough from 1-2. It's amazing how I forget already....
Can you encourage me?
Hang in there, sweetie! It DOES get a little easier. I feel blessed because Carson loves to watch t.v. so if I need to help Gabby with homework or feel like I've been neglecting her, I can turn on the t.v. and steal a half hour or an hour. Even with all Carson's issues, it's starting to get easier. You can do it, you're strong and a great mom!
ReplyDeleteYES!!!!!!!! You CAN do it!!!!!!!!!! As a momma to two busy boys, I am here as living proof that you WILL survive this stage! Did I ever tell you the story about Aaron and the baby gate? I had gated him in his room (completely kid-proof, or so I thought!) when he was right around 9 or 10 months so I could grab a quick shower. When I hopped out, wrapped up in a towel and ran to check on him, that little booger was standing at the baby gate with TWO SCREWS from the baby gate IN HIS HAND that he had somehow twisted out of the darn thing! BOYS!!!!!! :) My advice though: DO kid-proof some areas/cabinets to preserve your sanity. LOCKS on certain doors, the pantry, and on some of my cabinets saved my days as a momma at that stage!!!! AGAIN, hang in there and KNOW that you are NOT alone! :)