Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Little Stinker!

Oh, Golly Gee! I just took Halle and Ian to the store to grab a few things. We were in the freezer section and Halle put a box of popsicles in the cart. Ian wanted a popsicle NOW - he loves popsicles! He was screaming at the TOPS of his lungs. It was so loud - like he just busted his head! I tried to briefly explain to an 18 month old that we can't eat popsicles in the store.
EVERYONE was staring at me. I just kept smiling and saying, "He's good! He just wants a popsicle." :)

I said (under my breath), "Ian - bad boy." Halle heard me and said, "He's not bad. He's a good boy!" :) My friend Jen said, "He's a good boy actly badly." True!
How can you get mad at this little face!?
It is what it is, right?


  1. Max does the same thing with bananas. I go ahead and give him one and just weigh the peel:)

  2. I would have given him one, but he would have made a big mess!! Andrea, it's harder with the 3rd child because they are exposed to so much more with 2 older siblings. :)


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