Tuesday, February 22, 2011


to my journey as Christ follower, wife and mother to 3 children who have taken me to places I'd never choose to go on my free will.  I'm doing my best to live a simple, intentional life and trying to authentically capture moments and wisdom - before they pass right by.

Mission Minded Mothering was created with my children in mind.  I will never remember all of this when they are grown and I'm old and losing my mind or living with the Lord!  My hope is to create a resource they can turn to now and all throughout their lives - full of memories, wisdom and encouragement - from their Mommy (and Mommy's inspiration).

I also hope to encourage and inspire others - through my words, actions - and the words and actions of others.

I am passionate about simplified, homemade homemaking and enjoy creating and maintaining a peaceful haven for our family.

I love learning from others, so join in and follow Mission Minded Mothering - if you choose!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Myah, This is the first time I have taken the time to read your Blog. I really wish I hadn't of waited so long!! It is truly Wonderful. Your blog is very inspirational and encouraging. I will become a follower and I look forward to reading more! God Bless.
    Rachel "Lynn" Hilbert


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