The following are not exact quotes from Sheri...
My friend and mentor, Sheri, spoke at my MOPS group on "Parenting with Intention". She started with an activity - and asked us each to:
- close our eyes
- imagine our children coming to our door at the age of 25
- when we opened the door... what did we hope to see?
Several of us shared, she wrote the characteristics on a piece of chart paper and pointed out that all of THIS is not going to JUST HAPPEN.
All of what we desire in our grown children is not going to happen on accident - it takes a lot of work - a lot in intention.
This is why we must be intentional with our time and each day with our children. Not only as parents, but we must surround ourselves and our children with others - others we want to be more like. I like to call those "others" our "village". Invite others to help you get to where you want to be. We were not designed to do it alone.
We will never get this time back. As we lay our heads on our pillows each night, that day is done. We have a new day ahead of us - and what will be our goals for the new day?
Fight the fights, spend the time, invest in relationships, think about your mission, be intentional NOW - knowing that you're molding your children into beautiful adults.
I have to continually remind myself - during the hard and exhausting times - we are making progress - if we are parenting with intention! We are even making progress through the peaceful times. Persevere!
Our hope is to raise our children - so that some day - we can release them and say, "Go! Go make the world a better place."
What do you HOPE to see when your children are 25?
Close your eyes and imagine this situation.
What are the 3 things you desire your children to possess as adults - and share if you'd like.
We hope to see children who are: following Jesus, loving others, living simply and learning always! ;)
I also hope they're strong, confident and healthy!
This is why we must BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.
Keep up the good work!
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