Friday, April 1, 2011

Week #4 Refrigerator - Before and After

 This week for Project Simplify, I cleaned out my refrigerator (I didn't get to the freezer side)!  
The picture above is BEFORE.
The picture below if AFTER.
Honestly, I'm impressed that any of this project got completed - and I actually took the time to post it (since we're heading out).  I tried to work smarter and not harder, so I focused on the refrigerator - eating up, cleaning out, or packing up what we would use on our trip.  I tossed a few items, removed the drawers and washed them, wiped shelving and reorganized a bit and we ate up and packed up a lot to take on our road trip.  A little girl came by for a canned food drive, so I gave her several items out of our pantry that we have not and will not use.  The pantry looks pretty good already, but I would like to organize, de-clutter a bit and maximize my space.  Maybe I'll get to that when we return.  We'll see.  :)  No pressure...

I set my Week 4 expectations low, since most of my time and energy this week had to be committed to packing and preparing our family to head out on a 14 hour road trip to the beach for 6 days.  We are set to depart in a few hours!  Everyone is so excited - and I am most certainly looking forward to being away with my family and reconnecting as a whole and unplugging from our daily routine for a week - free from distractions!  My biggest distraction is the computer, so I'm excited to be away from that.
I feel closest to our Lord at the beach.

I used this Family Road Trip Packing List to keep me focused, simple and intentional.  It was very helpful for me, and the girls enjoyed it too!  I DO love my systems.  :)

So, how did you do on Week 4?!
Are you traveling for Spring Break?!

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