Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our School Days {part 3}

Ok, bear with me here!  

I cannot close the school year without capturing the precious moments we experienced all year.  I think this post takes us to December.  So, there will be a few more to follow.  :)

As you enjoy these posts, I want you to know that there was plenty of noise, trouble and hard work that fell in between all of these precious moments.  Not all moments are blissful around here - but so many are, and for that - I am thankful! 

Ian LOVES work vehicles - so... leaf pick up time - he went nuts!  In fact, he jumped up and down with excitement as they arrived.

Recess time - foot massages.  

I even enjoyed one too!

I am able to keep Ian busy for quite some time if I give him some scissors and paper.  This was one of my tricks when I needed to work with the girls on a task.

Packing our Operation Christmas Child boxes.  We did 3 - 2 girls and 1 boy box.  Just like our family!

I'm so amazed by how I can have the main floor all picked up and organized when I wake up in the morning - and then the kids wake up - we do breakfast, start school - and the whole place blows up!  And... this is how it looks by 10am.  :)

Ian keeping himself busy by lining up his cars...

and then Halle jumps in.

Well, Halle's babydoll needs to eat too, right?!

Phonics - we love Explode the Code!

Writing - making a Thankful Tree at Thanksgiving time.

Halle learned how to draw stars - she was so excited!

Tea party and conversation.

Silent reading time.

Beautiful Sophie.

Ian's preschool Christmas Program.

We enjoyed a homeschool field trip to see the Nutcracker.  They had 3 stations where we got to meet the dancers, learn about the costumes and their lives as ballet students/performers.

Sophie hosted a Charlie Brown Christmas Pajama Party!

Writing - addressing our Christmas card envelopes!  

Our Thankful Tree!

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