Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to School...

Well, it's been a month since the girls started school - and I think I can finally talk about it.

We knew that God was calling us to take a different path this school year - but I still miss so many things about homeschooling.  I really miss my girls and Ian does too!  I often say that they provide about 75% of his care.  I thought I was stretching the truth - but I don't think so.  It's the truth.  At about 2pm, he starts asking - "When are we going to get the girls?"

We're off to a great start, and we're excited to see what the future holds.  God already knows - and that's so exciting to me!  I'll just listen and obey.  1 year at a time.

Both girls are attending a beautiful, public school in our neighborhood.  We live so close, we don't even get bus service.  :)  We have to walk, ride bikes, scooter or drive.  We're walking and riding as much as we can at this point.

On our way...

Sophie has had a fabulous start.

Halle did awesome on the first day, then hit a wall.  But she is doing well now.  She has said she likes school "about as big as a germ".  That's not very much, you know.

But then a few days later she said, "every time I go to school, it's funner and funner."  :)

She just misses her Momma - that's all!

She says school is too long and she doesn't have enough time at home.  I know, I know, Halle.  I agree.

Both girls miss homeschooling - in some ways.

As of today, everyone has adjusted very well.  We're focusing on the many positives and making the best of our decision.  I'm staying super busy volunteering.  I'm Halle's Room Mom, serving in the teacher work room 2 times a month, helping with special events at Ian's preschool, cooking for the girls' staff once a month (staff appreciation/luncheons) and helping with whatever else pops up along the way.  I absolutely love helping teachers!

I'm loving teaching little buster all day!  <3

We are working through P4/5 from Sonlight, My Father's World preschool pack, playing in the dirt, cooking and just being together.


  1. Love the pictures, My!! I am so glad that Halle is coming around. <3
    Love you!!

  2. That sounds like it was a tough decision- how nice that you can still stay involved with their schooling by volunteering so much, though!


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