I received a letter from the Huntington North Student Council asking me to judge the homecoming parade. Of course, I said yes. I felt pretty important once I got there because the other judges included the principal's wife, the superintendent's wife, the athletic director's wife, another assistant principal's wife, and me! (an assistant principal's wife :) ) Josh told the director of the parade that I would be bringing both girls, and he would not be able to assist me due to supervision. So, this kind lady made up a folder filled with color pages, colored pencils, and stickers for Sophie. She decorated the front of the folder and had Sophie's name on the front. She also had snacks ready and a little booster seat for Sophie to sit on while I judged the parade. She took care of Halle the whole time while I judged. Sophie LOVED watching the floats go by and all the bands, cheerleaders, and dancers. It was a great time.

As you can see, the double stroller is in the back of the picture ready to go! We have really tried to make all of the supervision nights family time. Sophie really enjoys herself at the games. She loves the cheerleaders and meeting new people. Halle just kind of hangs out and sits in the stroller or gets held by someone.
They better get used to it! We have many more years of this ahead of us. :)
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