Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Poor Halle

Starting Friday, Halle was not feeling well at all and was the first of a fever that lasted for 3 days! It was at its hightest on Saturday night ~ 103.7 under the arm. We were able to control it the entire time with Tylenol. She has been sleeping a lot. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, she slept 13 hours straight through! Monday night 12 hours. I am suspecting teeth. She still has 0 teeth! I am guessing she will be getting 4 at once. :) Monday was the first day without a fever. She has been a bear! However, today was a really good day. So, I am hoping it is over, and we will see some teeth soon.


  1. Hang in there! Nothing is worse than a sick child. You feel so helpless and want to desperately make them feel better. I hope she is better soon. Lauren always got a fever when she got her teeth too.

  2. I hope Halle feels better soon. Those darn teeth...

  3. Ah, teeth! I hope it is teeth. The first teeth are hard because you never know how they are going to react. I am glad to hear that she is feeling better.


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