My job-share partner just had a baby girl on January 25th. Albee Rose was 7lb 6oz and 20 1/2 in long. Tassica is doing well and is very thrilled to have a baby girl. She already has a boy.
What that means is that I just completed my 2nd day as full-time teacher and will be working full-time for the remainder of the school year! Yesterday was a killer. Today was a much better. It will just take some getting used to. Basically, I just keep telling myself, "Women do this everyday! Get over it!" However, I have such a passion for maintaining a peaceful household and marriage. I struggle with keeping up on things when we are both working full-time. Josh is extra full-time! All of you moms who work full-time are probably calling me the biggest complainer ever! :) I know, I'll adjust. Just give me time!!!
On the bright side, it's temporary. I will be done at the end of May and will be done for several years! This is really getting me excited for that time of my life.
So, I am asking for prayers to be sent my way. Pray that I stay as relaxed and as positive as possible. I love teaching, but I love my family more! :)
I will be thinking about you, Myah, these next couple of months. Hang in there and stay positive.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Tassica.
Love you,
Are you not going back after this year. I often wonder if I would like being a "stay home" mom. You do get into a routine and things just go by so fast. I would love to be able to watch everything my kids do all day to.....on the good days. Oh well. This way I get to help other kids along with my own.
You can do it Myah! You are a super woman! Literally!