Monday, May 14, 2007

12 more days!

Well, 12 more school days to go!
Some days seem like now big deal working full-time outside of the home, but others are really tough. Mondays are always hard after a great weekend with my family. But on Tuesdays, I seem to have things more under control. I think it's starting to wear a bit on the girls. Halle was pretty clingy all weekend, and Sophie was....well, I don't really think I should use a word that is on my mind...well, let's just say she wasn't a good little girl today! I think I spent a good 30 minutes coming to and from time-out.
12 more days!
Truly, I am trying to cherish these last few days of my career before I switch gears.


  1. Enjoy your last days...but look forward to spending time with your girls. It is wonderful being at home with them. So rewarding.

  2. I bet your so ready for summer! Enjoy your last days at school knowing all you will have to look forward too! I bet your girls are excited too!


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