Thursday, October 18, 2007

Student of the Week!

Sophie was the Student of the Week this week and they get to have a guest in their classroom.
Halle and I went in on Tuesday. I read a story to the class and we prepared a family collage of pictures that Sophie shared. It was a great time. Her teacher was asking her questions about her favorite things during this picture. Of course, we had to share Mr. Bear!! He is such a major part of her life.
Her teacher and classmates asked her the following questions and these were her responses:
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite thing to do at home? Paint
What is your favorite food to eat? Carrott Sticks

I just love this beautiful smile at her teacher!

Don't laugh at the outfit! We are going through MAJOR struggles with dressing herself! I am trying to choose my battles!!! :)

Sophie got to choose the song during Circle Time and she chose "Going on a Bear Hunt"

It was darling!

Sophie is doing awesome is Preschool.


  1. How cute! I went through the battle of Nathan wanting to dress himself for awhile too. You and I are a lot alike I think! :) I finally decided to put only the clothes that match in the drawer that he could reach. I was a little sneaky. :) Luckily, he didn't go through that stage for long. I let Nathan make a lot of choices, so I don't feel bad that I like him to look nice. :)

  2. Way to go Sophie!! I love her outfit--that is great she likes to pick out her own clothes. Miss Independent!

  3. THis is cute. Great that she likes school so much.

  4. I think the idea of student of the week and having a guest speaker is such a neat idea! I'm sure she felt very special. I love it that you let her pick out her own outfit! I have never had to worry about that because Krue could care less about his clothes and Kiefer isn't at that stage yet. I'm sure I will experience it sometime.

    Preschool looks like it suits Sophie very well!


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