Friday, November 16, 2007

Sophie's Drawing

I just had to show you all this because I was so stinkin' impressed!
This morning, Sophie wanted to paint first thing. Even before she ate breakfast. She doesn't really like to eat right away. So, I was trying to get Halle breakfast. I taped a piece of paper on the easel, got her paints out, and told her to surprise me. A couple of minutes later, she yelled that she was done! I went and looked at it, and I was in shock. I couldn't believe she painted this person with a face, hair, body, arms, legs, and feet (with a brush) on her own. She is 3 yrs. 10 mo. I may be over reacting, but I thought it was pretty good! I think I may frame it. :)

She told me that the picture was her. I love the smile on her face.

The proud artist! Still in her jammies and her eyes looking sleepy.

Halle is dressed for the day, served breakfast, and ready to be a part of all the attention. Wow, what a difference birth order makes. Sophie the over achiever! :) Halle is just ready to jump in on the fun when needed and available!


  1. They are looking more and more alike! I have said this before, but I can't believe how much older Halle is looking! Where is your baby! :)

    Nathan still draws one big head with arms and legs sticking out of it. :) He likes to add cheeks and a belly button too, so it is pretty cute. It is neat to see that Sophie has started to add the body too. When I was a teacher, I had some 4 year olds in my preschool class that still weren't adding bodies to their people drawings. :)

  2. Very impressive!!! I think it is so neat that Sophie shows this much interest in art.

  3. Ian is 4 and still doesn't do this. AWESOME! She is so cute.


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