Monday, July 28, 2008

Energy Update

Well - you were all very curious as to why I was doing/asking this. There is no major reason other than I want to compare myself with other families our size and see if we are being excessive about dishes and laundry. In addition, I wanted to see how it would grow when we had 3 kids. That frightens me! :) I also thought it would open your eyes as to how much energy you use and if maybe you could be a little better about saving water and energy.

Do you reuse cups throughout the day or constantly get a new one?
I will sometimes use the same drinking glass for 2-3 days.

Do you wait until you have a full load of laundry or do you do small loads?
Are clothes really dirty, or will you use the same pair of pajamas for a couple of nights?

If you want to know what I do:
I run the dishwasher every 3 days and do an average of 1 load of laundry per day.

I have a really cool laundry sorter that I love! I don't wash the load until the compartment is full.
I handwash pots and pans and other large items so they don't take up a large amount of space in the dishwasher.

Our country is so blessed with resources. I think it's important that we are more aware of conserving when we can.

Just a fun thought!

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