Way back on December 20th, Halle Lin turned 3 years old. I can't believe she's already 3!!! It happened at a very chaotic time. We had an ice storm which sent us to live with my Mom for a couple of days because we didn't have any power. We held her party at my Mom's house. Then came Christmas and then I started nesting like crazy! So, that is why it's January 28th and I'm just now writing about it.
We knew it had to go.
Halle loves her big sister and enjoys doing whatever Sophie is doing.
She goes to preschool 3 days a week, and her teacher asked if she sang in her sleep. She said all she does all morning is sing, sing, sing. :)
At her 3 year well check, Halle
weighed: 33 pounds - 75 percentile
height: 38 inches - 75 percentile
We thank God for Halle everyday and the joy she brings into our lives. You are such a joy, little girl!
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