Monday, January 19, 2009


As Josh put it to our family waiting is the waiting area:

"We will not be using the name Caroline Hope because we had a boy and his name is

Ian Joshua!"

Everyone started crying!

Ian Joshua weighed 7 lb 9 0z and was 20.5 inches long
He was born at 9:13 pm on Sunday, January 18th.

He is soooo cute! I can't believe we had a son.


  1. I'm so, so excited for you guys! Sorry if we were all being a pain Sunday morning. :) I told Diane that I never went into labor on my own, so I've been SO anxious for you to go into labor! I'm living vicariously through you I guess. I can't wait to meet your little man! :D

  2. I was wondering if you had your baby!!! He is SO adorable! I can't wait to hear more. Congratulations!!!!!!

  3. I knew it! I CANNOT WAIT to meet lil' Ian. I'll have to come up when things settle down for you....

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am SO,SO happy for you two! What a special and meaningful name:)

  5. Were you in the same delivery room as you were with Halle?

  6. Congratulations Josh & Myah! And how awesome to use the Ian! Makes me tear up just thinking about it. I have a feeling there's an Ian up in heaven with a huge smile on his face.

  7. Congrats!! I knew it would be a boy too:) Love the name. I'm so happy everyone is healthy and doing well!!

    If you ever need to get rid of your girls for a while, I'd be happy to have them!

  8. I am so excited for you guys! Boys are so much fun. I will have a box of clothes shipped to you on Wednesday!!
    Ian is so cute.

  9. Congratulations! I've been checking this often! The bond between a mom and her son is precious, he'll protect and take care of you (even at a young age they do!) Remember to point "it" down when changing diapers!! ha ha!

  10. Lisa is right... When you are used to two girls, diaper changes are going to be different. :) You will soon learn to throw a wipe on his part the second you take his diaper off. :) But, I can almost guarentee that he will pee on you and/or your wall at least once!! :)

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! How wonderful and meaningful. I'm glad you are all doing well - can't wait to meet Ian! YEA!!!

  12. LOL.....once you get the diaper on you want to make sure to point it up though or he'll pee out the side of his diapers. OH the joys of boys. I am so excited for you guys and this new adventure. Love the name to and can't wait to tell Shane and our Ian.

  13. Congratulations, Myah. How wonderful to have 2 beautiful girls and now a boy. I bet Josh is over the moon! I was reading the comments and it looks like the name "Ian" has a special meaning--would you mind sharing it? Enjoy this time!!


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