Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Labor and Delivery Story

Many people have asked for the details, so I thought I would share now that I have a moment.

As you know, I was 3 cm. after my appt. on January 14th. On Friday night - the 16th - I was having some strong contractions. On Saturday - the 17th - they continued. They were getting stronger into the evening and more regular. I was up through the night Sat. timing them. I went back to sleep and got up and ready to go to church. I figured that walking around would be good. Plus, Josh was scheduled to play guitar, so I didn't want to disturb that. :) At church, I started to panic and cry because they were getting more regular. We decided to leave church when Josh finished playing guitar and we headed to the hospital. I was 4 cm. and contracting every 3 minutes. They broke my water and I only dialated 1 more cm. in 2 hours. So I requested a tiny amount of pitocin because I hadn't eaten since 8:30 that morning. I was getting hungry and tired. They can administer pitocin from 1 miliunit to 20. I asked for 1 miliunit. They lauged and said it was just a sniff. That did the trick! I was able to labor nautrally without an epidural. It really did not hurt that bad - I'm not joking. I stood most of the time and rocked. Josh and I talked between contractions, smiled, and watched football. I did my stomach breathing like my great friend Erin taught me! Thank you, Erin. I could feel the energy going into my stomach and relieving the pain. The nurse started to get the room ready for the baby to arrive. We prayed over the baby warmer and together.
I knew when I was complete because of other stuff Erin had taught me. I told them that it was time to push. The nurse tried to count, and she finally said, "I'm just going to be quiet. You know what you're doing." I could tell the head was coming out because of Josh's face. He always cries like a baby. I pushed for 2 minutes before the baby was out.
When HE came out, I couldn't believe it was a boy! I looked at Josh and said, "Well, you got your son!" He said, "What did I do to deserve this? Two beautiful daughters and now a son?"
People have asked how it feels to have a boy. All I can say - with tears in my eyes -
is, "It feels nice."
We are truly blessed.


  1. NO EPIDURAL! You are my hero! Of course, Brad swears I am an advocate for epidurals! I will pull the truth out of you about the pain later! ha! I am so happy for you guys! It was time for a boy and you will love having him!

  2. And now there's tears in my eyes. Beautiful baby, beautiful, meaningful name, amazing, beautiful parents. Boys are amazing, and he'll be so glad to have such wonderful big sisters!! Congratulations on another great baby...we can't wait to meet him!

  3. That whole post made me tear up. It was beautiful!

  4. Sounds like a beautiful birth story! I know even 3 yrs later you can prob remember it all like yesterday. Congrats!... 3 yrs later! :)


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