Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I found some answers to my questions. It looks like you can clean your whole house with vinegar - and it DISINFECTS! One of my concerns.
These are some of my favorites from
  • White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and very economical.
  • Clean counter tops and make them smell sweet again with a cloth soaked in undiluted white distilled vinegar.
  • To kill germs, spray full-strength white distilled vinegar on doorknobs and then wipe them dry.
  • To clean and disinfect baby toys add a good-sized splash of white distilled vinegar to soapy water.
  • Clean counter tops and make them smell sweet again with a cloth soaked in undiluted white distilled vinegar.

Other things I came across -


  1. Girl... you are on a roll with your blogging! I'm impressed and have been enjoying you blog entries. I love what you have found out about vinegar. I have slowly (over the past 4 months) have been switching all of my cleaning products over to Melaleuka. So far I really like it! I'm curious what you find out in your research...

  2. I've also been experimenting and using a lot of natural products, but some of the ones I've tried (like Imus) just don't work that well, so I'm considering making my own. Let me know how it goes!


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