Well, I wrote here a while ago and asked for you all to join me in prayer regarding our schooling decision for this coming school year.
I am not prepared at this time to make a public announcement of our final decision, but I am prepared and excited to share a little bit about this faith journey. I've been blown away, reassured and have grown even more confident in my faith.
Over the past several months, I've poured myself into prayer, research, interviews, and more prayers regarding the possibility of homeschooling our children.
I really don't think there's been any other single decision in my life that I've relied on, leaned on, or cried out to God more. It's been beautiful, a little scary at times, but all around reassuring and I am stronger and wiser today than I was at the beginning of this journey - and will continue to become a wiser woman and Mother as I lean on Him each day - moment by moment.
I'm filled with peace, excitement and continue to be encouraged each day by the word of God and the village that has come around us.
Here's one of many stories that have taken place over the past few months. My Aunt called me this morning and mentioned the possibility of me homeschooling. She said something like, "I was so sad when you told me a few years ago that you were going to be staying home full time. I knew it was the right decision for your family, but I was so sad for the world of children who were going to miss out on your teaching. I am excited and feel that this is the best thing for your family. Now your own children get to experience your teaching! You will do it with excellence." I'm not kidding when I say, I've experienced moment after moment like this throughout this journey. My village and my Lord sustains me and encourages me.
I'll leave you with this:
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
More to come soon... :)
(That is the verse I have on my office door!)
love you, myah!