Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our Morning Stations

As we were preparing for our school year to start, Sophie asked with excitement, "Can we do stations?!"  I said, "Well, yeah!"  Then my light bulbs started going off!  We practiced a few times over the summer, and it's awesome, goes fast and the kids get lots of good instruction time while moving around!

At this point, this is how it will look (I know we'll change as the years goes on):

We plan to do four 30 minutes stations from 9:30 - 11:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Sophie is 7 and in 2nd grade.  Halle is 5 and in K.  Ian is 2.

They will be Reading, Math, Hands On, and Computer.

Sophie will start at Reading and Halle will start at Hands On.  Then Sophie goes to Math and Halle goes to the computer.  You see, Sophie just got 1 hour of one on one instruction while Halle was at Hands On and then the Computer!  Then Sophie will go to Hands on and Halle is at Reading - and so on... Do I make sense?!

My goal is that Hands On and the Computer is to be independent.

At this point, Ian just tags along with someone.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays he will be at preschool - starting in September!

Reading - we do Sonlight readers and some supplemental phonics/grammar from Sonlight.
Math - we do Math U See.
Hands on - I sneak in a page or 2 of handwriting, legos, puzzles, playdoh, stringing beads, lacing cards, coloring, penpals, making a card for a friend, stickers, beads, water colors, stencil cards, drawing.
Computer - 15 minutes of what I say:  Spelling City, PBS Kids, Math U See drills, Starfall.  15 minutes of free choice.

Ok, it's time to share!  This is what I need:

What are some of your fun, independent Hands-On ideas that can be done independently?

What are some of your favorite educational, independent Computer ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we need to talk! I love that Sophie is in 2nd grade since that is my specialty!!! I have tons of things I need to share with you :) PLEASE ask for anything you might need and I will help all I can!


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