Our first official day of homeschool!
Sophie is beginning 2nd grade and Halle is beginning Kindergarten.
I was up late last night adding some finishing touches to our classroom. Our Daily Rhythm is posted, lesson plans are out, and materials are prepared...
I was up at 6:00 am this morning to ensure our home and my mind are centered - which is my goal each day.
Over the next few weeks my big focus is to solidify our Daily (school) Rhythm for myself and the children. My goal is to continually teach, review and practice what our Daily Rhythm - for the school year - will look like.
We are turning away from the familiar and facing the unknown. Sometimes the thought scares me, but I really am excited! I believe we grow most as we face the unknown and experience challenges.
Josh has requested that I take lots of pictures today, so I'll be sharing soon!
Dear God,
Please come into the center of our day today. Today is a big day - the start of a journey You have called me to travel. Fill me up with Your love, peace and patience and help me to be the teacher You want me to be. Help me to meet each of my children where they need to be met. I love You and trust You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Great entry!
Have fun!