It's no surprise to anyone that creating, preparing and sending out Christmas cards is a lot of work!
I love receiving them. I love displaying them in our home. And... I really do love sending them. I make it a priority each year.
However, the time comes at the end of the holiday season to take them down. Deep down in my heart, I KNOW that each family spent a lot of their resources {time and money!} getting a card to our family. We are blessed to have so many people out there who love us and include us in their lives. So... I spent a lot of time staring at the wall - as the time approached to take them down - thinking of something creative to do with all these beautiful cards.
Here's what I came up with:
:: I cut off words that I liked {with my fancy scissors} and plan to use parts of each card for gift tags in the future.
:: I hole punched each picture and placed them on a metal ring. The ring of pictures sits on our dining room table.
:: We are praying for a family or 2 each night at supper and sharing stories about our sweet friends and family.
We mail out about 100 cards. I thought to myself, "If each of those families prayed for us - how cool would that be?" What a blessing that would be to our family?!
If you didn't send us a Christmas card, but you'd like us to pray for your family or if you have a specific prayer request for you family - send me a message!
I'd love to add your family to our ring.
I am so excited to bless our our friends and family in this way! :)
We put Christmas photos on rings and pray for families as that!