Tuesday, August 12, 2008

16 week Update

Well, here I am at 16 weeks. We had our 16 week appt today and the heartbeat and movement of the baby was great. I've only gained a few pounds - she wouldn't even tell me. I was lectured for 20 minutes today and she wants a 3-4 lb. gain when she sees me again in 5 weeks. The growth of the baby is more than adequate she said. It's just me that is suffering. I have been very dizzy and foggy lately. Lack of protein is the cause. I am advised to count protein grams and need 80-100 grams per day. Yikes!! Other than that, I am great! :) I think I am becoming obviously pregnant to the stranger's eye, and Josh can feel my belly when he hugs me. I can no longer wear my regular pants. I have been wearing all elastic waisted things or dresses. I have not gotten my maternity tub out yet. I am putting it off for as long as possible. I think I need to give in soon. :) We go back in 5 weeks and then our ultrasound will be on October 16th - at 25 weeks. She is doing it later so we can get some good pictures. We are not in a rush since we aren't finding out the sex. Yeah - we are still staying strong! I have also started to feel the baby move - I think. Very fluttery and - "I think that was the baby moving." It was moving a ton during the hearbeat check. She had to keep refinding it. :)
We are very excited to see our little bundle of joy in October through the ultrasound.
I will update again in 5 weeks!


  1. That is very exciting when you can feel the baby move--it makes it very real! You look awesome!!

  2. Keep eating that protein, girl :) You are doing great and looking great! Keep up the good work. I'm so excited for you!!!

  3. You are just cute as a button. I can't believe you're already 16 weeks along. Love the updates! Keep them coming!

  4. I can't wait to hear if you REALLY don't find out the sex....I just don't think you two can do it!!! Keep me posted!

  5. You are so beautiful!! Can't wait for our third little precious baby!!!! EAT THAT PROTEIN, SISTER!!!!!


  6. You look great! Take advantage of this time and eat, eat, eat!!! :)


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