Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thank you for the encouragement!

I just love my blog support group! I am feeling better already after reading your comments. Josh and Sophie are at church now, and Ian is sleeping. I have been able to spend a good hour with just Halle alone this morning. When Josh gets back, I am going to church alone! I am looking forward to my time of worship. It has been 2 weeks. I know it will lift my spirits getting out of the house and going to church. I am so thankful for all of you in my life. Thanks for checking in and taking the time to write. I even got a call from Jenn in Indy a couple of days ago to encourage me. Thank you, Janna, for understanding why I couldn't go to the mall with you yesterday! :) I was very emotional on and off yesterday. This is my thing after having a baby. I cry over everything. Josh will look at me and say, "Oh no! You're crying again." :) It's over the dumbest things.
I am looking forward to Monday and this week when I am on my own - getting more structure back. I do not function well "flying by the seat of my pants". I will get things whipped into shape and we'll be good.
Thank you for being my friends and encouraging me during tough times.
Josh and I are truly blessed with 3 healthy, beautiful babies.
love to you all!


  1. Hi Myah! I was just thinking about you...hope your doing well:)

  2. Thanks, Missy! I am doing much better this week. :) I feel like my emotions are stabalizing. It felt great being in control on Monday morning. Josh's mom came over, and I got out in the afternoon alone. Ian is doing great on his schedule and sleeping the best we could hope for at 2 weeks old. Thank for checking in. All is good! love you!

  3. Myah... Hang in there. You are doing such a great job as a mommy of 3. I'm glad you are getting out of the house a bit and getting some "me" time. That is sooo important!

    I completely understand about the snappy, emotional stuff. I get that way, too. Especially in my first trimester of pregnancy and then the first month after baby is born. I am here if you need a sitter, shopping buddy, or a hug.

    It is so hard to give all of your kids attention when you have a newborn. I went through the "mommy guilt" thing with Krue when I had Kiefer and was spending so much time at the NICU. Your girls will be fine... just do the best you can. Remember, I'll be going through this same thing in about 5 months. Let me know what works for you.

    Love you,

  4. Myah, I so remember how hard it was with Lauren when Graham was born and I'm sure it is twice as hard with 3. Lauren was like a different little girl for a while before she adjusted. I remeber crying saying what did I do to my sweet little girl. I just missed her and wanted to spend time with her but couldn't because I had a newborn baby that took ALL my time!

    It will just take time for you all to adjust and for Halle to adjust to not being the baby of the family anymore. I'm sure you are doing a great job with all three of them! I also remeber being ready for all my help to just leave so we could get into our own routine.

    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers and don't hesitate to ask if you need anything!!

  5. You're a wonderful mom, but also a wonderful human being. Irritation is human. Love is human. You're allowed to feel both. At the same time. Love you!


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