Friday, March 18, 2011

Week #2 Paper Clutter - Before and After...

This week, I focused on Paper Clutter for Project Simplify.  For some reason (at the moment) I didn't have a ton of paper clutter - my rule is 15 minutes a day keeps the paper clutter away - so I can usually stay on top of it.  But, there was plenty of other clutter that I was able to focus on.

Our planning desk is the main gathering spot for paper clutter.  We also have 5 cubbies that attract miscellaneous clutter.  And there's a cupboard above the planning desk that I worked on.

Here is my planning desk

 Here is my planning Desk 
 A few little tricks that work for my family (and me!):  I keep 2 clips on my magnet board behind the planning desk.  1 is for "restaurant coupons to use" because my husband is often asking for some - and 1 clip is for papers of "things coming up" or things that "need immediate attention", and I have them in date order.  So, when the event is over or the item has been taken care of, it goes into the recycling bag.  I have found that if I put them in a binder  it's "Out of sight, out of mind!" for me - and then I'm in trouble because things get missed and details are forgotten.

You may also notice a brown paper bag under the planning desk.  This is for "recycling".  When I am going through papers, it helps to just recycle it right there and not have to make a trip to the garage.  Then when the bag is full, it goes to the garage.  I also keep a brown paper bag in our School Room and the Den - since those are also paper hot spots.
*You may notice the far left cubbie that is still full of stuff... that's is Josh's!  :)  He'll get to that later.

Here is the planning desk and cupboard 
 The cubbies are cleared.  A lot went into the trash or found it's home.  I recycled a few phone books, tossed expired items and moved several items up into the cupboard that we don't need out daily.

Another paper clutter hot spot is our den.  Josh has pretty much taken over this area since he's currently working on his PhD, but the black wire basket is mine that "needs attention".  The attention is not urgent - maybe filing - or coupons that I need to look at - so it can be out of sight for me!  I'll get to it when I have a chunk of time.

I also spent some time going through the black filing cabinet and recycled a bunch of un-needed papers.

Another system that works for us is posting the girls' school calendars on the door heading out to the garage.  We all take a quick glance at them, as we're running out, to make sure we aren't forgetting anything for the day!  

Controlling paper clutter is a daily chore.  Like I said, 15 minutes a day is my trick!

With all this said... there are moments when all surfaces are clear of paper clutter and then - all of a sudden - the whole place blows up!

And here's my very profound wisdom - It's called Raising a Family!
Give yourself some grace - it will be over way too soon.

All of this works for us, but find systems that work for you and your family and the flow of your home and space.  It takes time - It's a journey.

Maybe some of my ideas will help others and maybe not.  That's what make the world a beautiful place - we are all so different.

So, share!  How did your week go?!

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of putting the upcoming events/tasks in date order and putting the calendar on the door leading out. I post the calendar, but nobody but me ever looks at it. Maybe this will help. Thanks for sharing.


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